A Productive Morning

October 14, 2007

I’m a person who likes productivity.  You know, the kind that produces some visible proof that you’ve accomplished something.  In homeschooling, I often have to remind myself that our productivity isn’t measured in visible proof (aka neatly completed worksheets).

This morning was a great example of that.  I gave the girls a total of 4 books on West Virginia and asked them to put together a collage for our state scrapbook.  They spent 4 hours looking at the books, reading, drawing and coloring , discussing, asking questions, cooperating, compromising and, above all, learning.

But despite the fact there was so much value in the time they were spending, I still caught myself focusing on the collage.  I wanted the collage finished so I could feel productive.  I wanted the proof of a productive morning finished and neatly stored in the scrapbook. 

I need to kick the habit! 

3 Responses to “A Productive Morning”

  1. christine Says:

    I am slowly mutating into a much more laid back homeschooling mom. It’s a snail’s-pace, painful process, but I’m getting there. I’m realizing that their loss of interest in one area of a project does not mean they did not learn.

    The other day, I had to take a deep breath and just say, “Tell me what you liked most about what we have been reading.” It was amazing! They didn’t write anything. They didn’t build or create anything, but they had learned so MUCH! It wasn’t exactly the facts that I (the curriculum) had planned, but it was all good.

    I wish it wasn’t so hard to me to do that. Hopefully, I’ll look back in a few more years and it will be the easiest, most natural approach for me.

  2. Carol Says:

    I hear ya! I’m just hoping I get this before they graduate!

  3. […] but we haven’t even started the editing process yet.  I hate when these thing drag out (I prefer having that proof of productivity finished and filed) but I’m making math the priority right now so we’ll just work on it as time […]

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